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If 2 objects are moved 5 times farther apart, the gravitational attraction will be ? times weaker.

How many times weaker will it be?-Gravity varies as the inverse of the square of the distance. Move objects so they are 2 times farther apart, gravity between them is 2 squared (2 x 2, or 4) times le

Moon before and after transit

I am doing a moon observation for a class but have trouble understanding the professor asking for each moon is before and after transit. I tried looking at other sites but no avail as it makes it more

Match the descriptions to the people

1.) Renaissance man who believed in a heliocentric universe 2.) Discovered mountains on the moon using a telescope 3.) First to measure the size of the earth to good accuracy 4.) Fist to consider elli

About how long does it take these crafts to complete one orbit

The International Space Station, space shuttles, and the Hubble Space Telescope orbit in just above the Earth’s atmosphere at 17,400 mph.-About once every 90 minutes.

Suppose Tom and Joe are observing...

the sky shortly after sunset. Joe spots a very bright object rising in the east and both he and Tom know it must be a planet. Joe claims it must be Venus but Tom insists that its Jupiter. Who must be

How does a space shuttle launch feel like

Just wanted to know how it feels inside you while going up.-It is a very exciting, noisy, shaky ride for the first two minutes. Then the solid rocket boosters drop off and it gets a lot smoother, but

Who would deal with an alien invasion

Just research for a book, I know there are countermeasures and stuff in place.Ive heard people talk about it but who would it be.FBI, CIA, DOD ?-Border Patrol?-Any race capable of crossing interstella

Galileo's observations

Hoe did Galileo’s observations of the phases of Venus provide the strongest evidence against a geocentric universe? help!?-It showed that Venus orbited the Sun rather than the Earth. When Venus was n

Is it possible to live on moon

Yes it is possible. It would take a lot of work but there are a lot of articles in Popular Science that cover it and all the ways to work around all the problems associated with living in a place that

Is there a job in NASA that requires you to look up at the stars

eventually someone has to look at the stars with some telescope right?-Many research associates within NASA or working with NASA have telescope access.These can be from universities, observatories, an

What would happen to the planets if the Sun suddenly wasn't there

There wont be life anymore-Think of the Solar system as a kingdom with the Sun as the King who rules with absolute power (gravity).If the King is suddenly died, there will be civil war with all his so

Planet Nibiru is it coming to earth

is it really coming to earth im kinda scared to be quite honest?-You shouldnt be scared. I assure you there are no other planets in our solar system other than the 8 that we know about (yes 8, Pluto i

How does a star become a Type I &Type II Supernova

I need help for my astronomy class. How do you think a star becomes a Type II supernova? …a Type I supernova? Can you think of any other way a star could become a supernova? Thanks a bunch!-Type I

Where Can I Go To Turn In A Mathmatical Discovery

I Figured out how to solve the square root of a number using two methods. I figured it out two years ago, but am sending it now or (planning on it). *I know the equation works, because it hasnt been

If the earth were to spin opposite of its orbit.. will time travel be possible

i know this is a really stupid question but cant a dude be curious?-Time travel is already possible ... so long as its into the future.Its happens all the time.You are traveling into to the future ri
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