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If we develop spacecraft that can take humans to nearby solar systems at a few percent of the speed of light,

1. a few million years 2. a few hundred thousand years 3. a few hundreds of millions of years 4. we could never colonize the galaxy unless we have ships that could travel very close to the speed of l

Whats holding NASA back from building a base on the moon From which they could launch a manned mission to mars

President Obamas budget cutbacks-NASA are not interested in sending people beyond low Earth orbit.Their justification is that it would be too expensive and that automatic probes do just as good a job.

What color is Jupiter in the clear night sky

I think I saw it but im not sure if it was Jupiter or the North Star.-Whitish. Jupiter is REALLY bright, a lot brighter than the North Star.

Are there catastrophic effects when galaxies collide

Like stars smashing into stars and multiple black holes causing nutty rifts and stuff?-The majority of any galaxy is actually empty space. The worst that could happen is small changes in orbits.-Not r

Is it a flying star or something

I dont know what its called in english, but directly translated from Norwegian is Starshot. Is a comet maybe the word Im looking for? Anyways, what I mean is, like that shining ball you sometimes see

What happened to the star

The other night I was looking at the stars on the sky, and there was one star shining really bright compared to the others. But suddenly after a while, the light in it started to fade, and eventually

Which is the biggest telescope in universal.

Physics-By biggest, I am referring to the aperture, or the light gathering capacity of the telescope in question. The biggest telescope in the world is the Large Binocular Telescope located in southe

Match the descriptions to the people

1.) Renaissance man who believed in a heliocentric universe 2.) Discovered mountains on the moon using a telescope 3.) First to measure the size of the earth to good accuracy 4.) Fist to consider elli

Can mankind adapt to living in the ocean and in space

I think some of the answers about space ae unduly pessimistic.Certainly there are challenges involved in living in space.(I, like the others who answered the question, am assuming you mean in deep spa

Is there a job in NASA that requires you to look up at the stars

eventually someone has to look at the stars with some telescope right?-Many research associates within NASA or working with NASA have telescope access.These can be from universities, observatories, an

Planet Nibiru is it coming to earth

is it really coming to earth im kinda scared to be quite honest?-You shouldnt be scared. I assure you there are no other planets in our solar system other than the 8 that we know about (yes 8, Pluto i

What would happen to the planets if the Sun suddenly wasn't there

There wont be life anymore-Think of the Solar system as a kingdom with the Sun as the King who rules with absolute power (gravity).If the King is suddenly died, there will be civil war with all his so

Is it possible to live on moon

Yes it is possible. It would take a lot of work but there are a lot of articles in Popular Science that cover it and all the ways to work around all the problems associated with living in a place that

Documentary about speed of light and time travel

I saw a documentary on TV once about how some scientists think that if you could travel at the speed of light around the milky way and come back to earth, it would take something like 32 years. Howeve

Suppose Tom and Joe are observing...

the sky shortly after sunset. Joe spots a very bright object rising in the east and both he and Tom know it must be a planet. Joe claims it must be Venus but Tom insists that its Jupiter. Who must be
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