HOW MUCH DAMAGE WOULD IT COST EARTH IF IT CRASHED INTO IT??-Apparently you dont know what a meteorite is. It is whats left of a meteor (shooting star)
after pl
just wondering?-Nothing, the Gas planets (big as they are to us) are tiny compared to the Sun. It would vaporize them without so much as a hiccup.-Nothing, a comet hit Jupiter and nothing occured.. 2
There are an eternity of eternities. Supra-temporal eternity is just one...?-Yet the Bible and Qran mention almost nothing about cosmology-I know that the atomic particles that make up my body came fr
There are a million of them by the lake in our neigborhood, there were so many it was like it was snowing outside.-moths, millers, hard-shell bugs, gnats-There are many types of bugs that do this, amo
This event happened when I was in the Marines in 2005 at Camp Pendleton, CA. It was night time and our platoon was outside. In the the sky, we could see a bright circle going across the sky. If you he
Okay so in this theory the universe was always there. But I guess cosmic energy or whatever contracted and the expanded rapidly. How does this create life?? Thats saying somthing moving fast creates l
how big was it??
bigger than the sun??
what kind of damage would it do a planet?-1 Ceres is approximately 580 miles (930 kilometers) across, about the size of Texas. It resides with tens of thousan
If one of the Polar Ice caps on Mars is at its smallest in March (earth calendar) when would you guess this cap would next have the most ice?
a) August
b) May
c) February
d) November-Well, Mars year
If I were to drop a ball from my hands (both from 1.8 metres high on the Moon and Earth) on the moon would it bounce higher than on Earth? Or would the time for it be a longer interval?-Assuming you d
i live in southern ontario canada and its really hot outside. ( dont know if that helps ) id say the sun rose today at about 6:15.-Depends on what you mean by dark.
There are several web-based twilig
What is the speed of dark?-0 zero stationary and all pervasive..come over to the dark side..-Same as the speed of light.
Dark is the absence of light.
So, for dark to get somewhere it needs light to
I havent found any answers to this questions since I heard about the big rip.There must be a scientist that has thought about it!-The Big Rip is the opposite of the Big Crunch. The BR assumes that the
Solar and Lunar. When I mean by in LA, I mean visible from LA-Lunar eclipse: April 2014…
Solar eclipse: not in this century, but theres an eclipse in Norther