Tomalochk say: Yes , and if you are alive long enough you will probably see for yourself
Nyx say: At present, unknown.
Roger K say: No evidence for ANY life outside of the earth.
tham153 say: If we answered we would have to ziffped you
Dáwñ say: i think inter-dimensional beings are real and have co-existed with mankind all along .. 'space aliens' from another planet though, not likely .. the conditions to support life are extremely rare if not unique to earth not to mention spontaneous formation of life has NEVER been observed or even been able to be caused by intelligent intervention .. in perfect conditions ..
quantumclaustrophobe say: We don't know.
Daniel say: Yes , and if you are alive long enough you will probably see for yourself
say: I saw something I think was one once. I always called him the lizard man.That's what it looked like. Both lizard and man. Not s h i t I really did see this. I am not a troll.It happened not 2 miles from where I live now.
Poseidon say: Hi GEO,
When we consider the billions of stars in the universe (there are approximately 200 billion in our galaxy alone) and the trillions of planets orbiting them in my opinion it is a mathematical certainty that the universe is teeming with life of one kind or another.
Some will be like we were when we crawled out of the primordial soup while others have probably advanced far, far more in intelligence and technology than we humans.
Of course whether any of these civilizations have discovered the Earth yet is another question but the more important questions is, if they have found us are they capable of, or have they already visited us? Or do they even want to?
I do think that anyone who believes that Earth is the only planet in the vastness of the universe which is supporting life is being extremely naïve.
poornakumar b say: No
Bob say: Yup! dey flew over my pickup and shone a big brighty light down on mah hood, afore ah knew it ah wus transported into the space ship und interrogated by them aliens. Damn! ah missed mah favorited TV show.
Adam say: Most likely.
Sean say: Most likely, yes. There is a high probability that there is another advanced civilisation that exists judging from the number of habitable exoplanets estimated in the known universe
Quadrillian say: Real fiction to scare those with the mentality of a 12 year old.
JMIKE say: YES!!!!
Just say: yes but the government wont admit it