HelloWorld say: Not from what I here. I'm sure cancer would be much more painful. Best to go through steps to prevent.
rick29148 say: uncomfortable at best....Certainly NOT painful.
Birdlady say: Not painful at all. The prep was the worst part of mine.
serialmom12 say: I've had 3 WIDE AWAKE with NO sedation. Just 50mgs of Demerol. It's NOT a painful procedure at all. Your neighbor is a wimp and a drama queen looking for attention. The prep is the worst part. Sedation is totally unnecessary for this very minor procedure.
ChemoAngel say: No it is not painful. You are under anesthesia and you will not feel a thing.
kansas43us say: Getting ready for my second and only do them with no sedation not painful at all.
y say: It is not the same for all. I have had five, this last one the worst but that is only because it aggravated nerves that I already have issues with. For the most part, unless you already have issues, besides the cleansing, it isn't bad. Keep in mind, you are going to be wiping, a lot.
Scott say: You'll be sedated, and won't remember it.
Morningfox say: No, it is not painful at all. Annoying, yes. The preparation is very uncomfortable, but not what I would call "painful".
Librareian say: Do you believe your neighbor or your doctor?
Gert say: No. It's not painful at all. Besides, they put you out.
GTB say: wrong