If our earth was somehow suddenly gone, would we be transported into one of the parallel universes where earth is still a whole? Or..?Just want some semi-philosophical or science-y answers to this question....
If the orbit of a satellite is defined as 906 by 825 km what does it mean?Do those two values represent the Perigee and Apogee or the semi-major and semi-minor axis? Im am trying to find the dimensions of the Interkosmos 22s orbit....
Do you believe that there could be other life outside of Earth?Many of these UFO theories, and these alien invasion movies that we watch in the media have always made many of us feel intrigued. Unlike our Earth, the first planet that the sci...
When will the next probe land on Venus?I have seen enough Mars now. Venus has been skipped so long, that it even dates back to the 70s a last probe landed there. I know its a tough place, but if are able to send a submarine into the Marianne...