How can a universe create itself?
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How can a universe create itself?

[From: Astronomy & Space] [author: ] [Date: 09-22] [Hit: ]
How can a universe create itself?Im not saying there is or isnt a God, Im just wondering.......

How can a universe create itself?
I'm not saying there is or isn't a God, I'm just wondering.

Travis say: The big fart Theory LOLfdrhhgfffygggfftggvffrtygvfddrtygg
potato boy say: circular question. the big bang not only created space but time, meaning that the "cause and effect" logic does not apply here.
Raymond say: In your question, you are asking the already existing universe to create itself. Obviously, it couldn't... since it already exists.

However "nothing" (whatever that is) can create something - and the corresponding anti-something. Those who study "nothing" have noted that it is quite unstable. It does tend to break down into something (and its anti-something). No laws of physics are broken, since the sum of what is created is zero.

The idea of those who say that the universe "poofed" out of nothing is based on that. The probability of a bigger "something" goes down with the size of the something (we can observe quantum fluctuations creating electron-positron pairs -- creation of proton and anti-proton pairs is A LOT rarer); however, it never reaches exactly zero.

The probability of "nothing" creating a universe is extremely small, but it is NOT zero. And we only need for it to happen once. When Richard Feynman tried to build a model for that, he quickly realized that there would have been an anti-universe created at the same time, with this anti-universe moving backwards in time (in this way, the two would never meet). However, his model had mathematical flaws and was forgotten (that was back in the 1960s)

I do not believe in such quantum fluctuations being able to create a whole universe. However, as a mathematician, I cannot remove the possibility, however small, that it COULD happen. I cannot prove it to be impossible.

Father Lemaitre, the priest who created the mathematical model that became the Big Bang theory, thought that God used natural events to "create" the universe. The quantum fluctuation is a natural event, and it could have caused the appearance of the universe out of nothing.

So who knows.


Father Lemaitre used to say that his model being based on scientific evidence, it should work even for atheists (they were very much against the Big Bang theory). In science (real science), belief in God changes nothing: He set out the rules and science tries to untangle these rules.
Juicy say: It Can't... Stewie and Brian Blew Up Stewies Time machine
Scarlett say: There can be nothing from zero. Someone has created the universe. He is my God
Andrew S say: Same way a god gives birth to them self.
Bulldog redux say: One interpretation of your question is, "How did the universe evolve from Plank time (10^-43 seconds) to the present?" Another interpretation might be, "What happened between time 0 and Plank time?" There are a lot of good (albeit complex) answers to the first question, but no answers to the second. Which question are you asking?
Clive say: That would need explaining quantum physics to you, and I don't have time for that.
Jeffrey K say: If God created universe, how did God create himself?

Time is not well understood. We don't know why time flows, if it is discrete or continuous, if it had a beginning or end. A deeper knowledge of time and space and quantum gravity might help explain how a universe can come from nothing.
Ronald 7 say: It was a Quark of Nature
robert2020 say: It can't come out of absolute nothing. But neither can a God. So it always was. This is not understandable as human brains have not evolved enough to understand.
Fran say: According to Science it can't create itself. Man learned a law of physics that says "matter can not be created nor destroyed" but on the other hand man condradicts this "law" and says matter had a beginning, a specific time of creation called the "Big Bang Theory". This theory does not include a creator but self creation, again, contradiction of the law of creation. Any attempt to understand this phenomina creates a theory not fact. The only explanation that is not a theory is from the Bible as fact but this requires faith. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".
towwwdothello say: Space appears to be nothing.

Matter floats around it, arranges in gravity fields, and from there life became possible as far as we know.

Something made matter. How old is all the matter in the universe?

Space as it is, requires nothing to make it, it is vast and empty just as space. The arrangements of matter and substance are what provide us the existence to question. It came from a Creator.
John say: We have no idea, nobody truly knows. In fact we barely understand our universe or even reality.
hoarseman say: It's relatively easy to think of our universe as having nucleated , and then grown , in a prior existing "space" -- but the choice then facing us ,is whether or not, did that space have an origin , or is /was /will it always be there .

And the answer to that ,I suspect, will always be beyond us .
Tor say: That is the million dollar question. There are theories- but there is no way to prove any theory to be the correct one.
say: Extreme compression. Stranger things have happened.
goring say: This was Fred Hoyle's theory .However his theory was discounted an proven incorrect..Today we have self driving cars.However a manufacturer had to create and build the car first . It is said you can not put the cart before the Horse=its simple intuition.
For elucidation it is needed to refer to the Biblical record of creation in the Holy Bible.
megalomaniac say: It doesn't seem likely but sometimes we just have to admit that we don't know stuff (and the truth might be something that we don't expect). However, that is an argument that is very popular among Christians but atheists tend to think that it is ridiculous.

Evolution isn't about the origin of the universe but many people try to ridicule evolution by using that exact often-repeated phrase.
sundeep 9732 say: Billions of years ago how is known
RAGHAVENDRAN say: Universe didn't create itself. Just imagine how can a inanimate object create itself? Shouldn't there be something living to create it? We call it God. And the whole creation is a dream or imagination of God.
Joe say: Why not ?  It's not hard to imagine it was already there.  Why does it need to have been created ?
digquickly say: Well, ...,the Universe can't create itself.  To say that it does is itself is a statement of faith in the absurd.

Anything that begins to exist must have a cause. The Universe began to exist. Thus, the Universe has a cause. 

No event in our universe just happens. Rather every event has a cause. Every cause has an effect each effect may itself may become a cause or multiple causes in a causal event chain. Such that if the universe is at size (x) it will be of size (x+1)  in a few moments, and a few moments later size (x+2) and so on. Conversely, one can walk the causal chain backwards such that we see the universe at size (x-1), and size (x-2) all the way back to ... size(1) a singularity and here in lies the rub. 

Logic dictates that someone or something had to have "caused", "created", or "made" the initial singularity that caused all things to come into being. At the point before the  singularity was made we enter a realm where there is no chain of cause and effect (at least as this universe knows it). The universe does not exist yet someone or something does exist that is capable of creating the initial singularity but has not yet done so.  Whatever that initial agent is, it exists outside of chain of cause and effect, outside  of this universe. In other words nothing caused it to come into being. It is eternal,  unending, and not in need of a casual event (as we are) to justify it's existence.  Essentially, this entity is the "Uncaused Cause". 

Even a spatially resonant Higgs field must be placed into existence. Particles, atoms, and electrons all need a reason to fluctuate. They either must receive energy to rise  to a higher shell layer or lose energy to collapse to a lower level of entropy. If  nothing exists to perturb or add energy to it the field remains static and eventually  collapses due to entropy. Thus a first mover, or first perturber, of all things must  exist to created and add energy to the field.  

The question now becomes, is this "Uncaused Cause", progenitor of the singularity,
conscious or unconscious? Does it have personality or was it impersonal? If it is
unconscious and impersonal then you have to ask yourself how consciousness and  personality could arise from the mechanical, unconscious, and impersonal. In fact it could not as that would be a violation of entropy and that is an impossibility.  
However, if it does have consciousness and personality then both the impersonal and personal, conscious and unconscious can arise from it. Thus, the "Uncaused Cause" must have personality and consciousness and ergo we arrive at God. 

Only those things that had a beginning had a cause. Since God does not have a beginning, He did not need a cause. He then is the only one who can be the ultimate beginner – that first uncaused cause. This uncaused cause of all things is who we call God. This makes God and only God necessary since He was needed to begin it all. The universe and everything in it is not necessary outside of serving God’s purpose, plan, and causal objective. 

Thus, God exists and we exist because of the causal objective that God created.
Little Ms Sunshine say: Back in the olden days of my youth, God was defined as the "First Cause." I don't know where that teaching went or what they teach nowadays...
I took it to be that God is a combination of Mother Earth and Father Time.
say: nobody knows at the end of the day....not even the bible
Nobody say: I was thinking the same thing
Tom S say: Good question, but if there is a god, did this god create itself? Having a god does not get rid of the question of "origin".
John say: If we focus just on the idea of a creator, we could win over a lot of atheists. The idea that some kind of intelligence intiated the big bang is very scientific.
This has been perverted by the fantasy of a supernatural God who judges souls in an afterlife. The Bible doesn't even say this! Believing that God exists and worshipping God are two separate things.
allan say: just think of our spirits as a commodity only we and god have control over... and with respect to the regions we are capacited under... appreciate your surroundings.. we're too small to answer that question.. thats like more or less than day dreaming.. thats too far out the box to consider in a logical sense. its ok tho.. just.. know that boredom isnt the way to go lol it sucks.. and dont ask those question.. its ****** scary.. geeze just have sympathy you weirdo...
ignoramus say: Unfortunately, no-one seems to have been around at the time, so there are no eye-witnesses.
say: That might be what it's all about!!
Thomas say: i saw this on a documentary show once about life before the dinosaurs and i dont remember what the narrator said but i remember that before planets were around they were all just a bunch of stuff in space and what made them become planets was the collison of these things in space
Enough Trolls say: How can a God create itself?
MJD say: Yes. It did. Your question implies intelligence. It wasn't like that. It was a natural phenomenon. By looking at how things are now, we can deconstruct the Universe to see how it was near the beginning. We can see pretty close to the beginning, that is good enough for me. 
Causedoesnotprecedeeffect say: Time and space, modalities of thought. Free creations of the mind as is separation and form, logic, thoughts...order... we take comfort in these things but they are not given realities.

Reality is not solid. Time is not absolute, the laws of mathematics are not certain and when they are certain they do not certainly refer to reality...

In the greater scheme of things nothing could be ever be understood through its parts because reality is greater than the sum of its parts. You have to understand that everything is connected to everything else and that gives everything meaning individually as well as "a whole".

Most think that the forest for the trees means also that you can't see the trees within the forest. This is simply incorrect. How do you get H20 from hydrogen and Oxygen when neither share the same properties? Emergence, quantum entanglement...

The trees and the forest for the trees are the same entity. Linear time, non linear time, spiritually woke and non woke these are all constructs of the ego...

The trees are becoming the forest for the trees and the forest for the trees is becoming the trees... We will see a singularity of mind and matter. We will understand that we are made in God's image and that we can re-create our world.

Every person, object and thing, is "whole".Meaning there is no beginning or ending, or even a need for thought. There is no need for anything. It just is because you OBSERVE it and you measure it.

This is because, space-time is multi-dimensional. It works in observable states that are probable, potential states. It's a sea of potentialities, possibilities.... It is self-created meaning that there is no need for beginning. Think of it this way, a mirror image in which echos in eternity.

With causality, every potential state becomes a given reality. It's a potentiality, possibility that exists within a space-time reality of events, possibilities. So every cause has an effect in a given reality...

With every action and it's reaction, occurring simultaneously and occurring within infinite
reactions to every action,and in each and every one of them...each and every one of them becomes a unified whole, as each one of them is possessed within a unified whole, and the unified whole possess each of them equally, each of them therefor possess the unified whole their self.

Meaning...that the trees exist within the forest, as well as the forest for the trees within the trees of the forest....
Also they exist apart as they do together as the separation that would exist between together and apart is an ILLUSION...

It's a construct of your thoughts, you aren't observing a given reality, you're observing and measuring a potential state of space-time... and that puts you into a matrix of potentialities, possibilities of states...

Your awareness is essentially dreaming within a universal mind that is unconscious, sleeping consciousness is just a tripped out dream sequence of space-time... a virtual reality experience, a dimension.

Universal mind, God mind is without beginning or ending...multi-dimensional INFINITE and limitless... this reality as convincing as it is a DREAM sequence within the mind of "God"...

All that is real has it's own dream logic that convinces the observer of their given reality, experience. The collective unconscious shares in this dream logic, this dimension of consciousness...

This reality isn't as certain, absolute, logical , REAL as you believe it to be...
Adullah M say: The definition of "Create Itself" must be defined first, then we can discuss more on this topic. But scientifically speaking ,I can not find means and ways to define this phrase yet.
busterwasmycat say: I would guess the same way that god created himself. It doesn't. The universe did not create itself.
david say: Its was created through magnetic fields and planets being formed by turning 89 trillion years ago
falcon say: It can't create itself
David say: It can't for the Universe is without mind.Men can create machines because we have a mind to. Now don't let anybody tell you the universe has always been there. If that were true then it would have died a cold death many quadrillions and trillions and billions of year ago. As the physical material in it now will just keep flying apart and die a cold death.So ask where and when did the materials here now come from. JESUS BLESS YOU
Lunchlumps say: Just like a fart
sparrow say: Something caused it. "Excuse me" if I don't know the details of it. It's the
most difficult "who dunnit" that ever existed. They can't even pin down certain
cold case murders from the 70s, so there's no way they are going to know
what happened billions of years ago to create the Universe.
domenic say: There’s no God tbh
David say: How could a universe be hurt?
miyuki & kyojin say: Can gods create themselves? Gods are hypothetical product of an eternity of evolution, not the beginning of everything.
Robin W say: Not really what the Big Bang theory says. That statement is a strawman that Creationists use.
- say: Yes, me too, I cannot understand, how can automatically make itself.
Md. Jahid say: It's way bigger question than our thinking.... !!!
ReductioAdAstronomicus say: The answer is: We don't know.

It is a member of the class of questions which are unanswerable.

To paraphrase a famous quote: "There is no necessity for the brain of a primate, evolved to swing around in trees, to understand the universe and it's origins".
say: Yeah, that's right. Universes can only be created by Jewish carpenters from Roman times.

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