is it likely that the earth/galaxy and as far as we can see, are microscopic cells inside a much bigger body?
vic say: Sounds good to me
Ronald 7 say: That would be nice
John say: The idea is very useful from a philosophical perspective and is part of Buddhism in some ways. That which is small is large and vice versa. In the literal sense is it scientifically valid? No, not at all. I prefer to believe (since nobody actually knows) that our universe is something resembling an apple on a monumental tree in another, greater reality. But that's just philosophy and quite unprovable.
nineteenthly say: There is a sense in which this planet can be seen as alive, and in fact the only living planet we know of. If life on celestial bodies is common and the life on them interacts with life elsewhere, that might be seen as a superorganism. Olaf Stapledon wrote about this in 'Star Maker'.
Bill say: Based on what we currently know about the universe, the movement of matter and energy in that bigger body would be limited by the speed of light.
daniel g say: Consider our galaxy is like a microscopic cell to our visible universe.
Not what is considered a small place.
Besides, our solar system is just a tiny speck of light within our galaxy.
Athena say: No, not really.
say: We may be God's fart for all we know..
Campbell Hayden say: No, it is not likely.
The Proof: Only those who have
very inadequate and restricted thinking tend to believe it.
Joe say: like men in black? Everything is small compared to something larger
Christopher say: What do you mean?
Climate Realist say: Probably not.
But, suppose that there is such a thing as a multiverse. There is ZERO evidence for a multiverse, but, suppose that there was. The notion of multiverse has been proposed to solve the problem of the Universe being fine tuned. Suppose that is true. Then this and other universes would be an example of a computational method known as iteration. The multiverse would be like a might cosmic brain. God's brain. And, our Universe would be a cell in this brain.
poldi2 say: Is it likely - no, its not likely. Its certainly possible, but not probable.
ReductioAdAstronomicus say: No.
Why on earth would anyone think that?
Maybe you should consult the biology forum, since your question is about cells. Biologists are the expert in cells, and I am sure their down-to-earth knowledge will set you straight.
Gary the Sneagle say: Not microscopic from our point of view...
Richard say: do the cells in our body know that they are inside of a person, or do they think that they are a galaxy inside the universe like we do?