Why is there no space elevator yet?
Just build a big tower to space to save money on rocket power? When will it be made and Can I get a ride on in the elevator when it comes out
Christopher say: Good point there buddy
Ronald 7 say: It is just simply impossible
Try staking upright matches one by one, that would be easeier
It would collapse under its own weight
That is why we stick to Rockets
Even Horizontal Take off has fell by the way as it takes a lot more energy and therefore costs
Vertical Launching is the shortest distance into Space
robert2020 say: The material strong g enough doesn't yet exist. There's enough problems with elevator cable in the tall skyskrapers we build now. That's one reason elevators don't go from ground floor to 110 storkes.
Poseidon say: My question to you is:
When will you develop a brain?
nineteenthly say: Because at the moment there is no way to produce a tether strong enough to reach up to geostationary orbit from the surface of this planet.
daniel g say: Clear your elevator never gets past first floor.
Athena say: The torque required to maintain a theater that long is beyond our abilities right now.
USAFisnumber1 say: No structural material or cable is strong enough for it to work. Maybe nanotubes will do it, but not yet.
ReductioAdAstronomicus say: Two good reasons:
1) The launch systems that we already have are perfectly adequate to launch all the necessary hardware that is nowadays needed in space. Manned spaceflight with it's absurdly wasteful heavy payloads is an obsolete practice from last century, and we have now moved on to robotics, which are getting lighter and more capable all the time.
2) No conceivable material is strong enough to withstand the tremendous forces involved with cabling up the hypothetical "space elevator". There's a bit more to it that dangling a rope down from a rock ledge and pulling stuff up.
Edit: If you read the wiki article, ignore the section dealing with economics, as it is a complete joke. No mention of the enormous capital that would have to be written off, or recouped from launches. No mention of insurance costs. It was obviously written by someone devoid of economics expertise.
L. E. Gant say: When we can produce a rope long enough for the elevators.....
When? not any time soon -- can't gt enough graphene tubes to do it yet
Jon say: An elevator would consume the same amount of energy as a rocket. So there would be no savings.
CarolOklaNola say: Peru and Ecuador have not been able to reach an economics agreement or treaty with the corporations and nations that would pay the cost for a space elevator. Politics, MONEY and the economy. Climate change has, or should have, a higher priority. For many people, climate change does NOT become REAL until either they or a close friend or relative ends up in the emergency room because of heat exhaustion, heatstroke, hypothermia, almost drowning, frostbite or DIES because of climate change.
Robert say: It would become a terrorist target. The replacement for the World Trade Center was made smaller for the same reason.
say: < Just >
So speaks peanut brain.