Solving non linear simultaneous equations
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Solving non linear simultaneous equations

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-08-27] [Hit: ]
Procedure is the same for all these types of problems: solve for x, plug that in in the second equation for x, solve for y, solve for x.-Ill do the first one for you:a.) x-3y=31 x = 31+3y (31+3y)y+12=0 3y^2+31y+12=0 y1=(1/6)[-31-SQRT(817)] ~ -9.......
Use quadratic formula to get y (other problems may be factorable). Then once you know y you can solve for x using one of the given equations.

Procedure is the same for all these types of problems: solve for x, plug that in in the second equation for x, solve for y, solve for x.

I'll do the first one for you:

a.) x-3y=31
x = 31+3y
y1=(1/6)[-31-SQRT(817)] ~ -9.9 y2=(1/6)[SQRT(817)-37] ~ -.4
x1-3(-9.9)=31 x2-3(-.4)=31
x1=1.3 x2=29.8

The line intersects a hyperbola at two points (x1,y1)=(1.3,-9.9) and (x2,y2)=(29.8,-.4)

a) X = 31 + 3Y...substitute for X in second eqation......solve for Y....solve for X
b) Y = 21 - 3X ...sub. for Y in second equation....solve for X....solve for Y
c) X = (1 - 3Y)/2..........chug and plug....
d) X = 1 + 3Y...............chug and plug.
keywords: Solving,non,linear,equations,simultaneous,Solving non linear simultaneous equations
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