CO2 linear structure
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CO2 linear structure

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-08-18] [Hit: ]
-…-yes it is linear,......
is the c02 linear structure determined experimentally OR determined by using the Atomic orbital hybridization? which comes first, experimentally determined shape then use hybridaztion model or the other way around

The shape of not only CO2 but all molecules is determined by experiment. Theories of bonding and VSEPR theory are then used to explain the observed structure. You find lots of questions here asking for predicted structures of molecules using VSEPR theory. This is back to front logic. VSEPR was never intended to be a predictive tool originally and answers to this type of question should always start with a statement of the experimentally determined structure. This is then rationalised in terms of theory.

Not sure on this, but I believe the linear structure of CO2 was first deduced using the vsepr theory. You can certainly use the hybridization to deduce the linear structure. It does not seem to me that scientists determined the shape experimentally because the technology would't have been available at that time. Though you should not take my word on it because this is just my first impression.


yes it is linear, :)
keywords: structure,CO,linear,CO2 linear structure
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