I ammaking a fortune I can't find any fire bricks anywhere and one day I want to make a foundry that can melt steel
At 500 degrees c = 832 f cement does not melt, but it looses water which weakens it to the point of unsatisfactory. Melted steel is much hotter. Neil
"I am making a fortune" what? Did you mean "forge"?
Melting steel is one of the hardest, highest temperature tasks, of foundry work and cement cracks and spawls off at temperatures far below what you need. You must build the equipment using high temperature refractories (not more common lower temp ones) and you will have to supply a lot of heat.
If you can't find fire bricks so far, you will just have to search at greater distances - and you should be looking into castable refractories instead of bricks.
You might visit abana.org - artist blacksmiths which has links to people melting cast iron, etc.
Melting steel is one of the hardest, highest temperature tasks, of foundry work and cement cracks and spawls off at temperatures far below what you need. You must build the equipment using high temperature refractories (not more common lower temp ones) and you will have to supply a lot of heat.
If you can't find fire bricks so far, you will just have to search at greater distances - and you should be looking into castable refractories instead of bricks.
You might visit abana.org - artist blacksmiths which has links to people melting cast iron, etc.