What is this number written in scientific notation
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What is this number written in scientific notation

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-08-27] [Hit: ]
However, if you meant 0.00000000000000000015 then there are eighteen zeros between the decimal point and the first non-zero digit, so it would be written as 1·5×10^-19 or 1·5E-19. The original version, which you wrote,......

As written, it would just be 1.00000000000000000015. However, if you meant 0.00000000000000000015 then there are eighteen zeros between the decimal point and the first non-zero digit, so it would be written as 1·5×10^-19 or 1·5E-19. The original version, which you wrote, could more succinctly be written as 1 + 1·5E-19.

that's the best you're going to be able to do. i don't believe that 1 + 1.5*10^-19 is acceptable, but perhaps
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