Everyone I know who accepts evolutionary theory DOES accept the possibility that it is wrong. Creationists, on the other hand, will very often refuse to accept that there is even a tiny possibility that they might be wrong.
The thing is, the vast amount of evidence available strongly points towards evolutionary theory being correct. The possibility that it is significantly wrong becomes smaller all of time.
Because as a biochemist I see it all the time. If you have a dish of trillions of bacteria and subject it to an antibiotic, they all die except for those that happen to have a small mutation that makes them immune. That sounds unlikely but mutations are pretty common and when you have trillions of bacteria some of them are bound to be immune. They then reproduce to fill the dish. This is evolution as described by Darwin, and it is a cornerstone of biochemistry and biology. There is absolutely no reason this doesnt scale up to say, elephants. If you kill most the ones with big tusks, the ones with small tusks breed and the average tusk size decreases, as has happened in the last 400 years.
That's exactly what we do.
By the way, there is no such ideology called evolutiononism. It's a label created by the lowest of the low in order to somehow raise their pathetic ideology to that of the real world. You know of whom I'm talking about.
Unless a "creator of this universe" is imaginary and therefor has zero intelligence whatsoever - which to me is the case and evolution, unlikely religious mythology, has a lot of research gone into it and seems rather likely to be legit.
Unless you are legitimately willing to "accept the possibility of being wrong" yourself (and that doesn't normally seem to be a creationist strong point), then don't be hypocrical in requiring it of others when they have sound, research-backed reasons for their own views.