Are viruses living or nonliving
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Are viruses living or nonliving

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-08-27] [Hit: ]
uk/schools/ks3bitesize/science/organisms_behaviour_health/disease/revise2.shtml-- no- yes- yes- yes- no- no- yes-Yes.......
No they can't reproduce when they are out of the body of living organism. They only reproduce when they are in a living orgamisn
They do replicate.
Viruses do not directly need energy. The virus takes control of the host cell in order to reproduce.
They dont have homeostasis. They have no cellular activities because they are not made of cells.
they are made up of RNA and protien.
Yes they do evolve.

no theyt are not made up of cells
yes they can reproduce
over a long period of time, yes they can grow and devlop
yes they obtain and use energy
no they dont respond to homeostasis
mostly, some are made up of cellular block instead of cells
over a very, VERY long time

bbc bitesize : this should help ;) :

- no
- yes
- yes
- yes
- no
- no
- yes

keywords: living,nonliving,viruses,or,Are,Are viruses living or nonliving
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