Which of the following would not satisfy the following equation? ( I have tried this...so help)
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Which of the following would not satisfy the following equation? ( I have tried this...so help)

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-08-27] [Hit: ]
B and D can not be the solutions because these are solutions to inequalities.A and C do not work either. To eliminate the a in the numerator and get 2, you have to have an a in the denominator.Check if you wrote the problem right-If you give a rating to an answer, even if it is a 1-star,......
Which of the following would not satisfy the following equation. ( I have tried this and just could not get my head around it).
((4(x+a))/2 )– ((x+a)/4) = 2
So that’s 4x+4a/2 minus x+a/4 = 2
Which of these would not satisfy this:
A x=a
B x>3a
C x=-a
D x The answer is D. I did this problem for example A when x=a representing x and a as 1 and the answer was not 2. I used this to work out the res (with simple numbers) and they all turned out wrong for me… What am I doing wrong?

Something is wrong with the way the problem is written.

B and D can not be the solutions because these are solutions to inequalities.

A and C do not work either. To eliminate the a in the numerator and get 2, you have to have an a in the denominator.

Check if you wrote the problem right

If you give a rating to an answer, even if it is a 1-star, you can't get more answers. The thing simplifies to 7 (x+a) /4 = 2, or x + a = 8/7

The only case where this cannot happen is C, since if x = -a, x + a = 0 no matter what, so it can't be 8/7.

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keywords: help,of,this,following,satisfy,would,tried,have,not,so,the,equation,Which,Which of the following would not satisfy the following equation? ( I have tried this...so help)
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