Help on some metric/scientific notation conversion
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Help on some metric/scientific notation conversion

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-08-27] [Hit: ]
48*10 = 14.b)micrometer = 10^-6 m, nanometer = 10^-9 meter,It takes 10^3 nm to make on micrometer, so multiply by 10^3 to get 2.c) One ms = 10^-3 s,......
a) 1.48 x 10^2 kg
b) 0.0023 micrometers to nm
c) 7.25 x 10^-4 ms

thanks :D

a) 1 kg = 10^3 g: multiply by 10^3 to get grams (1.48*10 = 14.8 g)
b) micrometer = 10^-6 m, nanometer = 10^-9 meter, It takes 10^3 nm to make on micrometer, so multiply by 10^3 to get 2.3 nm
c) One ms = 10^-3 s, so 7.25*10^-4 ms = 7.25*10^-7 s; one microsecond = 10^-6 sec, so this is 0.0745 microsecond also
keywords: conversion,metric,on,some,Help,notation,scientific,Help on some metric/scientific notation conversion
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