Roger K say: Turn the map over, and all people in the "north" are at the bottom.
D g say: The same reason stupid people dont drown when it rains
say: throw your bible into the dustbin and consider going to a secular school
Michael say: gravity...............
Adeen say: Vncv
Ashwini say: The earth is round from all the sides. Everyone on every side has land under feet - standing straight on land.
Tom S say: No "they're" on the surface too. The surface has no bottom. Down is toward the center. You will learn about this and proper English in fourth the grade.
John P say: Note: "they're", not "their".
And in space there is no top and no bottom. Only the fact that much of humanity lived up north for a long time gave rise to our maps showing north as top. In Australia you can buy world maps showing Australia at the top.
Moe say: velcro
Billandhiscats say: Each morning the soles of footwear is coated with double sides sticky tape, and as long as care is given to the style of walking. it works quite well.
Dale say: They have sticky fingers and feet.
Nyx say: how do you know that that they are upside down?
ΛHIṮO say: Hang onto eucalyptus tree, like koala.