Dan say: For the same kind of reason that a robber can't find a cop! A scientist can't find a Bible! Lol!
D g say: Its only a child that believes every thing has to be proven why. Or it must be magic of a god
Michael say: Hell NO. We need answers not theory's. Mike
Quadrillian say: it's above their pay scale.
say: Why is a HUMAN thing. Accept that it is there. Why were you born? Accident or not? ASK. It won't change the fact you exist right?
busterwasmycat say: The simple fact that the question has not been answered does not mean that it cannot ever be solved.
Of course, it depends on the meaning of the question, the word "why". Why can mean "what caused this result to occur", but it can also mean "what is the purpose". Those are different things. The cause likely can be determined. Science does not deal with purpose. It looks at cause and effect conditions and figures out how they work, why they do what they do instead of something else. Science does not even try to figure out a purpose.
RONALD say: Because they simply don't know.
I say it was a Quark of Nature.
It is the same as the Question, Are we alone?
Nobody can say. yet.
Nyx say: That's one of the questions (and there are many) that currently can't be answered.