Engr. Ronald say: Your question doesn't have sense...//
Quadrillian say: No to all of them.
Happy now?
someg say: Ask the following questions, and you will DEFINITELY get answers:
1. Was the moon landing faked?
2. Do you think that man will ever land on the Sun?
3. Are aliens real?
4. Is the Earth flat?
5. Have you seen the rings on Uranus?
cosmo say: The other questions did not register somehow.
Dump the liberals into Jupiter say: Were your questions interesting? I have that problem with some of my questions, mainly because they are questions that either nobody knows the answer to, or because they take more work to answer than anybody wants to put into it. While that might be the problem that you are having, too, I'm inclined to believe this unlikely.
Nyx say: Did you ask those questions in your mind? Then failed to communicate them online?
quantumclaustrophobe say: The answer is no.
Let's leave it at that.
iamdracula say: Are you posting them in the right sections?
Jim say: You have asked one other question a year a ago. WTF are you talking about?
say: You have asked 2 questions and this is 1 of them - the other was answered - are you high?
Acetek say: here are your previous questions and there answers
CarolOklaNola say: BOTH of your questions have answers, including the one that is a year old. You just don't know HOW TO FIND that year old question.AND THAT answer, DO YOU?