tillan2k say: The type of feeling they spawn does not say so
Leslie say: there's not one in my town but i would love to visit one and other houses of worship 'cause i wish to honor all religions and not be judging
John P say: Without knowing much about the specfic uses of the interiors of mosques, it is hard to comment on how well designed they are.
Presumably the architects, knowing the uses to which they will be put, design them accordingly, unless there are severe constraints in the site available.
Are you really asking if mosques seem like good-looking buildings to non-Muslims?
Nick Danger say: I've heard that some of the best are in Saudi Arabia where the words "Death To America Death To Israel" are set into the walls with the most beautiful tiles that contrast nicely with their intricate geometric motif.
esachica say: The muslims stole the designs from other idol worshipping religions and killed all the rival religions thousands of years ago.
Mintee say: they are designed by so many vast individual architects, you cannot lump all in the same objective idea..
A mosque just needs to be a clean building where muslims can get in out of the elements to pray.. if its nothing more than a few palm frons over a carpet, that is great..
EddieJ say: What is the definition of "well designed"? Some are just a floor in an office building or a store front. This is also true of Christian churches.
Are you talking about external appearance, or the ability to withstand a hurricane, or a floor plan that seems well-organized, or one that has electrical outlets where you need them (so you aren't likely to have extension cords all over the place?)
Some towns don't want fast-food restaurants.