Why do christians insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Its kinda weird that in this day and age people can think that?
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Why do christians insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Its kinda weird that in this day and age people can think that?

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 17-07-06] [Hit: ]
Wouldnt an asteroid have knocked us off course by now? Wouldnt SOMETHING have happened by now, instead of our planet just sitting pretty for millions of years, undisturbed.........
Why do christians insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Its kinda weird that in this day and age people can think that?


Hοwl Free or Die say: Childhood indoctrination. And the christians I've been around, none of them believe in that. It's only those hardcore christians and probably Jehova's Witnesses.
Aquarius 1011 say: Meantime, 6000 years ago was the beginning of recorded history. (That is also changing now.)
Hack say: Stars are pretty good proof that the universe is much older than 6000 years. Those stars are millions of light years away, so it would take the stars light millions of years to travel to Earth.
Every time you look up into the night sky your looking millions of years back into the past.

I'm not sure how people manage to deny that, but I guess not everyone has been through 6th grade science yet. Also I'm pretty sure most Christians don't believe the world is only a few thousand years old, but rather a smaller subset seem to think that way.
Heart Stone say: I just don't understand how it could be millions and billions of years old, doesn't make sense to me. Wouldn't our sun have died by now? Wouldn't an asteroid have knocked us off course by now? Wouldn't SOMETHING have happened by now, instead of our planet just sitting pretty for millions of years, undisturbed... doesn't make sense to me.
I'm not a scientist or anything, but that's just what I've noticed...
Mr. Smartypants say: I really don't think most of them really believe it. They SAY they believe it because they're looking for a fight, they're looking for an excuse to complain that their rights are being denied them.

The American fundamentalist Christian movement has been co-opted by politics. The fights over things like creationism, abortion, gay rights, even things like welfare and illegal immigration, are political issues disguised as religious tenets. If you're a politician and you want people to listen to you, send you money, vote for you, the best way to do it is to get the really angry about their rights being taken away, and tell them you're going to fight to get them back.
keywords: the,weird,years,is,this,Why,age,and,insist,Its,6000,old,in,people,only,day,can,kinda,think,christians,that,do,Earth,Why do christians insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Its kinda weird that in this day and age people can think that?
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