MARK say: I most concur with the answer of jimdragontech. I, however, differ from him on one point and would add one he has not made. First, I agree "why" is not a valid scientific question but I would not trust anything to the philosophers.
What I would add is that this is really a non-question. First, it is a non-question because "why" is not a valid question in science. Secondly, the universe was not "created". That term sees harmless enough but it is not an implies a creator by which we are meant to conclude is the god of your choice. There is a growing body of evidence that the universe had no real beginning and always was.
Todd say: Why not you go back in time billions of years with no definite chance of survival and prove to us how it was made? Please, do this
Carolyn say: Scientists are people and people don't know all there is to know.
Mattias say: No one can answer that
Marcus M say: A lot of things are unknown and there is not enough knowledge currently on that subject so far to reason why.
RAT M say: It Can .
sdc_99 say: Because the question assumes that there must be a reason. And there is no requirement that there be a reason the universe exists.
injanier say: Asking that question assumes there was a creator, and that that creator acted with intent. Neither of these is assumptions is testable.
Donut Tim say: That phrase implies that there is a controlling being with an agenda. There is no evidence for that.
There is no point or purpose for the existence of the universe.
quantumclaustrophobe say: We don't know the cause, we don't know if there was an intent, we don't know if it was simply an accident.
Steven say: Science doesn't answer "why" (purpose); science only answers "how" (function)