MARK say: Ghosts do not exist. There is no evidence for them.
alan say: the human brain can do some strange things...i have seen what i thought was a ghost it wasn't one though,it was my brain tricking me into seeing it.
rd68 say: In all the carnage of WW1, the dead were killing people but it was through disease, not spirits.
I used to believe in ghosts as a kid because my mother idiotically told me they were real. Ask yourself, with the advent of cameras in every phone and billions of people who are living or have died, why aren't people snapping pics leftand right of ghosts?
Mercuri say: Easily: they're mistaken.
The brain is weird. It tries to see things it can recognize. Amorphic blobs aren't something it recognizes. It's also heavily biased towards faces and silhouettes of humanoid shapes. Do you know how you look at the front of a car and it looks like it has a face? Or do you know how people see Jesus in toast or a dog's butt or whatnot? That's part of the trick your brain is playing on you.
So people see smoke or mist or shadows and the brain goes "yup, that's a person" and therefore you get ghost stories.
Fun fact: Ghosts in Japan don't have feet.
Greta say: Humans are limited by the known 5 senses we possess. Humanity does not understand much phenomenon beyond the senses. Possibilities allow for things to exist simply because no human will ever know everything and so dispel the so called myths based on ultimate and superseding knowledge. It is no shame to admit this.
Dale say: The human brain is easily influenced by electromagnetism and suggestion.