virtualguy92107 say: The reason that capitalists societies have invested so heavily is science is it historically has the best return on investment of any human endeavor. The reason authoritarian societies are so hostile to science is it frequently contradicts the views of the authorities. If your capitalist society goes authoritarian, you have a severe society-changing problem.
Steven say: Science is the pursuit of facts and truth, which you may call God. Science is asking God questions and paying attention to the answers instead of assuming truth is what suites your personal ego.
Science is the way to success and improving our existence. If you want to be miserable and fail at life, then go ahead and ignore science. If you are incapable of understanding science, then please do not interfere with those who are making our lives better..
MARK say: Well if we knew what the "it" was may be we could answer. As science means that we no longer dwell in caves, hunt for food, survive childhood and can use electronic devices to post meaningless questions I think it would be reasonable to argue that yes science was worth it, whatever it may be.
Thomas E say: God thinks so.
Smeghead say: That's an insanely vague question, but in the most concrete economic terms, it has been proven over and over that investing in science is by far the best investment there is. Every dollar spent on research comes back hundreds or thousands of times over down the line, even if the vast majority of the research doesn't end up going anywhere. The occasional breakthrough makes the whole process insanely profitable.
runningman022003 say: Reasonable question in one sense. I question WHICH science is important. I feel that some science that is considered sexy is funded while other promising research goes unfunded.
KennyB say: Find something in your life that has not been improved by science. I suggest you develop a better understanding of what 'science' really is.
Samwise say: Science is a tool.
It tells us what usually works to get a certain result.
It cannot tell us whether what works is what is real.
Science leads to convenience, not truth.
Patrick4024 say: By the fact you are able to ask this on the internet, it does show science is certainly worth it.
megalomaniac say: Worth what? It's a pretty useful tool for figuring out the difference between beliefs and shared reality. It can be used for all kinds of things. It's a means to an end. It's not the only thing worth pursuing in life though. I like music too, for example.
Acetek say: yes. beats the hell out of religious nonsense
Gert say: Worth what????