Some people say ERBs are only theoretical, that no one has ever seen one. DUHHHH--- Although rare, They have been happening everywhere, all the time over millennia.---Only we have been calling them GHOSTS. What else would people think 1000 or more years ago, not being familiar with Relativistic Physics? This phenomena is what we WOULD see in or near a ERB. This is an example of a traditional superstition used to explain phenomena the current Science had not caught up with yet.----BUT even now, when we CAN explain it, and it shows us proof of theory, se tend to STILL deny it, because of the superstitious traditions associated with it.
Just as our superstitions about lightning delayed study of it and linking it with ELECTRICITY, in times past.
Dr. NG say: If it walks upright, wears clothes, talks, runs sits or anything else humans do, it's a person. It will always be a living person because there is no such things as ghosts.
Ricki say: Being able to pass through walls is a clue.
KLB say: I have wondered that as well, having had visions of spirits clearly from other eras (their clothes). I have had 6 such visions in 30 years and I often wonder if one is a current day spirit, how to tell they are spirit at all? I have researched this somewhat, and 1 thing is consistent - no feet. Look for feet.