Who say: fact "albert" - spontaneous combustion aint real
ALBERT say: it's believed that if one could compress human fart into a volume of a small building, if it's ignited, it could explode
Fact: human spontaneous combustion is real. This means someone could be in bed sleeping, and all of a sudden starts to burn with no source of flame. (Galaxy Note 7 like)
Daniel say: Technically yes. But no.
Alexander say: Technically. But it would take more energy to make *us* explode than it does to make an equal weight of polonium to explode, because unstable atoms are easier to break apart.
Kieran say: We don't have the necessary amounts of uranium, plutonium and other radioisotopes to make a fission bomb. You could make a fusion bomb but even those things are started by a fission blast.
JosephV say: Yes, the hydrogen in the body may be used to make nuclear fusion bombs after it is converted into deuterium or tritium.
busterwasmycat say: Yes, you could, but the processing would be very complicated. It is a very inefficient way to go about it. If explosive reaction was a simple thing to make happen from the components of the human body, there would be a lot of exploding humans around. And there aren't, so it isn't.
Will say: No, it doesn't work that way. Only a very few kinds of atoms can make an atomic bomb, and we don't have those kinds of atoms in our bodies.
VITTORIO say: Hmm! Only if they are liberal dunces
say: Yeah isis already does that...