Quadrillian say: Of course they did.
Where do you think they faked the moon landing?
Brigalow Bloke say: According to those who habitually wear invisible tin foil hats and cannot tell a joke TV show made for April Fool's Day from reality, it happened.
Yeah, I watched "Alternative 3" back in the day and thought it was real for about 15 minutes.
nineteenthly say: No.
Morningfox say: No. Absolutely not. It was back in the 1950s.
John P say: No.
quantumclaustrophobe say: Are you kidding?? It wouldn't be a secret - whichever one was first, they'd be shouting it from the mountaintops...
tham153 say: no
Roger K say: Don't be stupid.
say: Yeah, check out this photograph, direct from the Moon's surface.
Starrysky say: Where else do you think all the missing people from those years went to?
Johnny say: No. Colonies were built on Mercury. Word is you can get one monster of a tan when the sun is out...
shroud say: no it was the moon
that why we don't go there now it's off limits
Gary B say: no
Colin say: No.