Old Testament, Book of genesis, Verse 5:2-Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their nameAdam, in the day when they were created.
The tin man say: So god did all this, by himself did he? Did he also make the malarial mosquito, cancer, leprosy, earthquakes, drought, cerebral palsey, aids, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, rabies...etc? Oh what a nice man he was.
Ethel Frogge say: news@gospelherald.com
Hardly likely to be the most truthful, unbiased and reliable interpretation of this report one suspects!
Atheist Anthony say: My opinion?
You should read reputable science literature, not bat-shitt crazy deliberate bullshitt from lying fundie websites.
But that's just my opinion...
You'll notice that the press release you quote has nothing to do with evolution.
SupaStar say: Let's look at the assertion presented the way a SCIENTIST would.
"The musicality of birds is so complex"
leads to the conclusion
"it could not have come about naturally, it must have been created by a God".
Also, according to you: "The Christian God is THE MOST COMPLEX THING, ever. "
Therefore, according to this hypothesis,
"The Christian God MUST have been created by a god. "
Yes, I understand this is simple logic, which is why you can NOT possibly understand it, because IF YOU DID?
You would never have asked this question.
Mack say: My opinion is that is balderdash, evolution has been tested and observed. There are no deities.
Donut Tim say: I'm glad that you value evidence so highly.
Biological evolution is observable, testable and repeatable. There is evidence in physics, geology, archaeology, history, chemistry and every one of the many dozens of branches of biology.
Sorry, there is no evidence that magic exists.