i have been in school for a very long time and im starting to realize how useless most math is. there are questions like what is x fractioned to the p of 6=y stuff like that p.s that was actually a question i was asked in a math test XD
m say: If by that you mean you are unlikely to directly use most of the math that you learn in school, you’re probably right. I learned trigonometry. I don’t use trigonometry.
What I do use, however, and what remains the primary benefit of mathematics study, is the ability to solve problems. But math problems are only one kind of problem. The ability to reason your way through a problem to a solution, however, is a valuable byproduct of such study. Just like it is in your science, English, or art classes.
Who say: to you yes
(with some people you can try teaching them as much as you like, they either cant learn or just refuse to)
to the rest of us - no
Samwise say: Actually, most mathematics is useful.
But you have to learn the math before you can learn how to use it,
which means learning the techniques before you understand the applications.
Reswse say: The average person does not use higher maths. Just make sure you know percents and fractions, along with the traditional 4: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Second say: Definitely, for imbeciles like you.
az_lender say: "what is x fractioned to the p of 6 = y" has no meaning, so either (a) your teacher is a moron or (b) you are lying.
Math is like Japanese. If you know it, it can be very useful. If you don't know it, you will survive without it.
? say: Math is useless until you get your first credit card bill!
Spock (rhp) say: with the coming of computers, many applications of math are no longer done by humans. In the old days, engineering calculations were all done by hand -- which included both trigonometry and calculus. Accounting was done by hand and/or adding machine. Multiple other scientific fields used human done calculations -- and hence math.
It is true that, in the modern age, many lower level workers use very little math in their daily lives ... and, it sure helps to have an internal sense of when something isn't mathematically right. This serves as an early warning of several possible scams and schemes. Not to mention avoiding being taken advantage of by the banks.
Como say: Maths is used ALL OVER THE WORLD in subjects such as Electrical , Mechanical , Chemical, Gas and Civil Engineering , Physics , Finance , Insurance.
Start working !
Good luck!
Indikos say: Math is the intellectual engine that underlies engineering,
physics, computers, information technology, chemistry.
Kara say: i use math every day... i for the life of me cannot believe you don't...
Gert say: I use math every day. I can't believe you don't.