Evolution and "the big bang" are theories - PROPOSED explanations of our world. "Evolution" - the changing of species in time, fueled by chance mutations and environmental pressures - cannot be reasonable questioned. But the notion of "the big bang" as the origin of our universe, and the notion of a "primordial soup" of chemicals giving rise to all of the life forms on earth are THEORIES, neither provable nor refutable. Anyone that can argue these notions are FACTS simply doesn't understand "science"; NO "scientist" would ever argue that these notions ARE FACTS - although those in the scientific community that desire public adoration will sometimes stoop this low.
BTW I am NOT religious and I have an extensive background in the sciences
The theory of evolution does not have anything to do with creation . It deals with what happens to life, not how life began, just how it changes over time.
evoloution is not a theory.... the theory of evolution by darwin shows how evolution works (by natural selection) not whether evolution is real or not. it is interesting to note catholics believe in evolution and that the Big Bang was created by god