Sagan was average at very best as a scientist- NOT a heavyweight and spewed some popular lore nonsense. Energy and matter are NOT related either!
PAULH say: The idea of the "big bang" was first proposed by a Roman Catholic priest. If yo look at motions of galaxies and reverse the process they seem to originate from a common point some 13.7 billion years ago. What happened before that no-one knows.
say: Carl Sagan and Neil Tyson are able to translate the scientific mumbo jumbo into "Street language" that we common people can understand.
. This is what they do more than the actual heavy duty research, and present it to you in a way that you can ask questions that maybe the scientists are not asking. Understanding what the scientists are looking at allows you to ask intelligent questions.
PeterPiper say: Not half as average as you, sunshine.
Brigalow Bloke say: Because anonymous troll is pathetically anonymous and doesn't know what he is writing about.
Tom S say: Nice day for a troll.
Elaine say: I am sure that you posed your question in order to see what kinds of reactions you would get.
Enough Trolls say: If you are so ashamed of your ignorance that you hide behind anonymity your opinion is valueless.
Raymond say: Oh hum...
Sagan was a scientist. He was also a good vulgarizer, able to make ordinary people understand things that otherwise would be too complicated to understand.
Tyson, I don't know him enough to say. He is certainly popular, and scientists consider his as someone who understands science.
Both were popularizers, that was (and still is, for Tyson) their job.
What misinformation did they spread? Sources, quotes...?