MARK say: Both biological parents play a role. Each parent provides one half of the genome. The mother's ovum provides the initial cell, the zygote.
say: My sperm, or as my ex girlfriends and women all over call, that evil terrifying penis due to the way I use it. If you see my penis, unless your in the mood, start running :)
Someone/ say: Who knows? We all have our opinions, technically it's specific elements that create life, however both men and women contribute In making life, the skin on your body is alive and constantly made to protect you from bacteria, viruses etc. we make children which the makes contributes already alive sperm and the women contributes her egg. So both/neither.
Naguru say: Trinity God, who is the Creator, sustain-er and destroyer.
Mir Quasem say: Both
neallesh say: man and woman are just instrumental (or tricked into it) in creating life, life is created by (very clever) nature.
I am me say: Both.
Happy Hiram say: Yeah. Right. Until cloning becomes regular, neither.
elj2017c say: God. To the Giver of life, the one to whom the psalmist said: “For with you,” namely, Jehovah God, “is the source of life.” (Psalm 36:9)
paul say: aliens
Siddhartha say: test tubes
Mr. Interesting say: It takes both a male and a female human to procreate.
Doc say: Both.
Lord Bacon say: Neither. We can pass life on by the fusing of already living genetic material.
We do not know exactly when life began on earth but we know that we can't create it. Living things pass on life, they don't create it.
In sexual reproduction, a new genetic individual is created when a sperm from the father and an ovum from the mother fuse.
say: What came first? The chicken or the egg?
The chicken laid the egg, but the egg grew up to be the chicken.
Same applies to men and women. This question cannot be answered.