The origin of the universe is NOT known currently. Why did Carl Sagan and neil Tyson spread MISINFORMATION-HOKEY POPULARIZERS!?
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The origin of the universe is NOT known currently. Why did Carl Sagan and neil Tyson spread MISINFORMATION-HOKEY POPULARIZERS!?

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 17-07-23] [Hit: ]
-Innocent Victim say: Oh, I see. TYSON is a nobody. Mmm-hmm. Right. The most well-known astronomer in twenty years or so is a nobody.......

Oh wait... you can't and you won't because you're a moron spouting nonsense.
duke_of_urls say: I see why you're anonymous.
Innocent Victim say: Oh, I see. TYSON is a nobody. Mmm-hmm. Right. The most well-known astronomer in twenty years or so is a nobody. The director of the Hayden Planetarium? Nobody. How pathetic people like you are.
PhotonX say: So what are your bona fides, anonymous coward? I'm willing to bet that you don't have a college degree of any sort, never mind one with the word 'science' on it, so you aren't even qualified in the first place to evaluate PhD astronomers and cosmologists. I'd further bet that you believe your life is magically ruled by invisible supernatural beings you've never seen, and for which there is utterly no tangible evidence. I'll take one further leap of faith and guess that you're a Trump supporter.
So, how did I do? Am I three for three?
Al say: You are truly delusional aren't you.
mike1942-f say: Energy and matter are absolutely related by the formula E=MC^2 as demonstrated at Hiroshima and Nagasaki - which is matter converted to energy. And the Hadron collider pumps in energy to increase mass. The two people you condemn obviously out rank you on knowledge.
DonnieB say: We have a lot of evidence that Einstein was correct. Matter and energy can be converted from one to another. The equation E = MC^2 is valid. If you have an alternate explanation that can be verified, please present it to the scientific community. You could be famous. Your theory would have to overcome a lot evidence that we now have. I would suggest you do some reading about science before you make a claim about something you know very little about.
Morningfox say: I'm sure the victims at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, back in 1945, would be glad to know that energy and matter are not related.
keywords: the,of,known,HOKEY,is,spread,Why,and,neil,did,Sagan,The,MISINFORMATION,universe,Tyson,origin,NOT,POPULARIZERS,currently,Carl,The origin of the universe is NOT known currently. Why did Carl Sagan and neil Tyson spread MISINFORMATION-HOKEY POPULARIZERS!?
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