Are you still swimming at wa beachs after the fatal attacks and shark sightings?? Do you worry bout sharks while swimming?
I surf at Trigg+ Muallaloo all the time and im never worried? But all my ftiends + family r hell scared??
sooo do you still swim at wa beachees? and would u swim at a beach where someone died at from a shark attack
I surf at Trigg+ Muallaloo all the time and im never worried? But all my ftiends + family r hell scared??
sooo do you still swim at wa beachees? and would u swim at a beach where someone died at from a shark attack
I'm from Perth and I've been surfing all my life, i'm now 33. I have surfed countless times at Rotto, down south and parts of south Australia that are considered a bit more risky without a thought of sharks ever. With the increasing attacks I've started to think about the risk a little more and to tell the truth it has spooked me a little. I won't ever quit surfing but I have decided to cut down on a couple of more risky things in the water like not surfing alone and not surfing to early or too late and not swimming to far out to sea. It's something to think about but in reality you have got more chance of being run over on the street. In Perth I don't think its even risky because there are always so many people in the water but who knows how many might be out there. The statistics would indicate to me that their numbers are on the rise but I'm no expert. I would like to see more research done into their numbers, maybe tagging and tracking. At the end of the day the risk is small and surfings to good to miss out on for me.
I wouldn't- last thing I need Is a missing leg