It has been modeled by the function
C = 1449.2 + 4.6T – 0.055T^2 + 0.00029T^3 + (1.34 – 0.01T)(S – 35) + 0.016D
where C is the speed of sound (in meters per second), T is the temperature (in
degrees Celsius), S is the salinity (the concentration of salts in parts per thousand,
which means the number of grams of dissolved solids per 1000 g of water), and D
is the depth below the ocean surface (in meters). Compute
dC/dT, dC/dS, dC/dD
T = 10 degree Celcius, S = 35 parts per thousand, and D = 100 m. Explain the physical
significance of these partial derivatives
C = 1449.2 + 4.6T – 0.055T^2 + 0.00029T^3 + (1.34 – 0.01T)(S – 35) + 0.016D
where C is the speed of sound (in meters per second), T is the temperature (in
degrees Celsius), S is the salinity (the concentration of salts in parts per thousand,
which means the number of grams of dissolved solids per 1000 g of water), and D
is the depth below the ocean surface (in meters). Compute
dC/dT, dC/dS, dC/dD
T = 10 degree Celcius, S = 35 parts per thousand, and D = 100 m. Explain the physical
significance of these partial derivatives
it would be the accelaration or change in speed in respect to each of the those variables...
By varying the temperature, salinity you vary the density of the water; the denser the liquid the faster sound will travel through it. Cold water is denser than warm water but fresh water is less dense than sea water.