I have a prescription for two 20mg tablets a day ( one morning, one afternoon). I saw the doctor yesterday because I was taking more than the daily dosage (turns out everything is fine -- after a series of tests, he just said I was having "caffeine like symptoms, NOTHING life threatening.) He just told me to take it easy the rest of the day.
My symptoms from yesterday (racing heart, left hand numbness) are gone. Would it be okay to take one now?
My symptoms from yesterday (racing heart, left hand numbness) are gone. Would it be okay to take one now?
Yes, it should be safe to take one now. However, just to be safe I would call your doctor and ask, or wait two more days. Just because the symptoms are gone, it doesn't mean that you body has fully recovered. Be careful with the tablets, as an overdose could be serious. Best of wishes for your health, Kacey