If the egg comes from a chicken, how could the egg be first?
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If the egg comes from a chicken, how could the egg be first?

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 17-07-06] [Hit: ]
.. See also these links. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/201.......

See also the video below, which show a couple of other kinds of flying feathered dinosaurs.


See also these links.


Like all other dinosaurs, the small feathered theropod dinosaurs that were the ancestors of birds produced eggs long before there were chickens.

And see the image below showing how the the archaeopteryx skeleton fits between that of a more typical theropod and that of a chicken. Click on it to enlarge it.

And dinosaurs laid their eggs in nests and took care of the eggs long before there were chickens.


So, the answer is that the egg came long before there were chickens.
Magdalena say: Because the protein found in an egg can oy came from the chicken so...

keywords: first,If,from,egg,comes,could,chicken,be,how,the,If the egg comes from a chicken, how could the egg be first?
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