James say: Yeah, I'm sure lots of those animals would just LOVE to be sent out into the wild, where they'll have to find food for themselves instead of have it delivered, not get vaccinations or medicine when they're sick, have a giant wall around them preventing a lion from coming over and eating their face off... yeah they just can't wait for all that.
Bloodbane say: What would harambe say....
wHaT eVeR say: Most Zoo's yes. but some zoo's they do the best at given them the Animals the right environment they live in.
But so many should be shut down.
say: Oh don't act for one bloody second that you've actually grown to care about animals, when you probably still eat meat. So how about slaughter houses? They make animals suffer painful deaths. Shouldn't they be banned??
Charlene Gosling say: Zoo's can be a valuable way to ensure the preservation of endangered species, somewhere that elephants and rhinos are safe from poaching.
queen bee say: Zoos and circuses should be banned.
Claire say: Not banned better regulated and perhaps only keeping animals that are not capable of being in the wild and only breeding and keeping endangered animals instead of it being a prison for healthy normal animals
Ana say: Yes but they make it as similar to the nature as they can
anabanan02 say: Hmm
M'aiq The liar say: They should eventually be replaced with animal rehab centers and animal sanctuaries. These could be much better at helping people learn about animals and they're better for the animals themselves considering how much more space they'd have.
Lord Bacon say: Then how could we do captive breeding programs to prevent extinctions?