When I was younger I got my period like 3 times out of the year an now that I have gotten older thy stoped completely
Are you dieting aggressively? Are you excessively thin? Do you exercise a LOT, like, say, run marathons? Those are usually the three most common causes of cessation of menses in an adult woman. If none of those things, then it wouldn't hurt to make an appointment with an Endocrinologist and have him run a few tests on your hormones. It's not very common, but occasionally some women simply don't manufacture enough hormones for a normal menstrual cycle.
I know that for me, i didn't have them regularly, at all! I might have 4 a year, but now that i am on the pill, i get them regularly. But it bazaar that you don't get any more of them. Maybe you should talk to a doctor.
Nope - see your doctor
Because you're a boy, Matt.