EDIT: Now not quite sure of this one. When rounded, the SD becomes 2.... the answer may be 239 or 240.0. You will want to ask your teacher to be sure.
3) 36.84 (36.837 rounds up); Explanation: Again, least amount of SD given. 15.03 has 4, 4.87 has 3, 1.987 has 4. USE [[[3]]]
(Though not asked, for future reference, if there are zeros on the left of the decimal between the decimal and a significant digit or are beyond all significant digits, they are INSIGNIFICANT. So, 100.56 would have 3 SD, 101.56 would have 5 SD, 0100.56 would have 3 SD, and 100.560 would have 4 SD)
Hope this helped :)