Why there are more white women with mixed children than those with white children in USA as of late?
It has to do with white women also being generally more promiscuous around black and latino men than they are around white men?
Jahal say: Why do trolls tend to ask ignorant race baiting questions?
Is it the lack of oxygen and potable water in the trailer?
Elaine M say: Provide documentation on that please. Or it doesn't exist.
Dole Bludger say: Democracy is death for white Christianity.
D50 say: There are? I hadn't noticed that.
say: Uh no. Not even close lol
Preslie say: bs
BlueNinjaLove say: Me thinks you likely zero in on any mixed ones you see and then like a weirdo go on staring at them, convincing yourself that these are the only people who exist, ignoring that the majority still proves differently...
say: Surprise, surprise. A racist can't even form a coherent, grammatically correct sentence in an attempt to make racist comments.
Why does it bother you so much? Are you married? If so, shouldn't you be focused on your OWN relationship? Only single trolls like yourself worry about interracial dating.
Really? say: Love comes in all colors
say: Because you live in a sad fantasy world