the sun is 93 million miles a way from earth. why do we feel the heat from the sun right away how fast is the sun ray?
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the sun is 93 million miles a way from earth. why do we feel the heat from the sun right away how fast is the sun ray?

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 17-07-23] [Hit: ]
-♘ Vader say: It takes a photon 8 minutes from the surface of the Sun to reach Earth.But it can take up to a million years for the same photon to reach the surface of the Sun from its core.-Gary B say: We DONT feel the heat right away.That isd why temperature GRADUALLY warm up from cold at dawn to hot in the middle of teh day.......

And that's another answer...sunlight travels as the speed of light, which is roughly 186,283 miles/second. You know S = 93 million miles is the distance to the Sun. I just gave you the speed V; so how long will it take for sunlight to go that distance S? HINT: T = S/V.
Ricki say: You don't, it takes 8 minutes (about) for the energy from the sun to reach use. The heat you feel "immediately" when you walk outside left the surface of the sun about 8 minutes ago and is just getting here.
Chester say: The Sun's light take 8 mins to get to us but it's a constant effect.
DosCentavos say: The warmth you are feeling from the light you are seeing from the sun is 8.3 minutes old -- or rather left the surface of the sun 8.3 minutes ago. Light / Radiant energy / Gravity travels at 300,000 KM per second or roughly 186,000 miles / sec.
say: you do not feel it right away and only a tiny part
Valentina say: because the sun is 9,941°F/5,505°C...its very hot.
♘ Vader say: It takes a photon 8 minutes from the surface of the Sun to reach Earth. But it can take up to a million years for the same photon to reach the surface of the Sun from its core.
Gary B say: We DON'T feel the heat "right away". That isd why temperature GRADUALLY warm up from cold at dawn to hot in the middle of teh day.

keywords: the,we,is,miles,ray,way,from,feel,fast,right,how,away,93,sun,why,earth,do,million,heat,the sun is 93 million miles a way from earth. why do we feel the heat from the sun right away how fast is the sun ray?
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