The reason living things need other things to survive is because they need energy. There must be some form of energy to keep something alive. Reality is so consistent because we live on earth, we are all in the same reference frame (for the most part). An atom can be anywhere at one time and can be detected pretty easily, but the uncertainty principle refers to the electron. The electron can and in some cases MUST be in two places at once. You cannot know both the position and momentum of an electron at one time because you must shoot it with a photon in order to see it. Its like if we had to shoot something the size of the moon at the moon in order to see it, how could we know what it is doing or what it was doing before? An object is solid when the pressure and temperature are in a certain range. Your body is made up of many things, cells, blood, organs, bones, anyways in solid things the atoms are very close together and cannot move very much. I am not sure if I fully understand the last question... but I'll try to answer it. The way we see things is very complex and I have not taken a course over it but the main thing is that we look at something, light travels into our eyes (then certain things happen that I dont know the full details of) and the brain processes what your eyes see.
I think I understand your last question a little better. I think you are thinking of atoms as individual things, which they are but in our eyes and most of our body and most everything, they are in groups to form molecules, proteins, amino acids and tons of things that do not act like they would if they were individual atoms. They are a group that act differently
I think I understand your last question a little better. I think you are thinking of atoms as individual things, which they are but in our eyes and most of our body and most everything, they are in groups to form molecules, proteins, amino acids and tons of things that do not act like they would if they were individual atoms. They are a group that act differently