If someone challenges me to a fight or tries to attack me shall I run away
Rain say: It does not pay off to fight, just walk away.
? say: "Fighting is bad. Fight only when you must. If you must fight, fight to win (No rules!)." - Kesuke Miyagi
CRR say: It's better to run from a fight than to lose it.
MARK say: Run away. It is called self-preservation. Your physiology is all geared up for flight.
Ofekol say: Depends on if you can handle it. It's self defense if someone attacks you.
say: depends on how fast you can run. start hitting the track
Bflowing say: How old are you? There are no winners in a street fight. You have nothing to gain from a challenge. If attacked, defend or run.
Justin Thyme say: Just walk away.