Nagaraju say: Chances of Heart attack
Mental inbalance-Temper
ramya say: retinopathy, renal failure, MI, stroke
Dan say: If left unchecked,it cause stroke,heart problems,so yeh,having blood pressure under 120/80 is vital.
Michelle say: Yes, high blood pressure is a serious condition. The biggest challenges are finding a medicine that will keep your blood pressure normal and maintaining it. For some people, it might require many different attempts with various meds/combo of meds in order to get it controlled.
Art say: It might be. In part it depends on how stressed out you get being tested for it. It is stress depended.
It also depends on genetic factors, everyone in my family has high blood pressure and it is therefore normal for me ( I don't have high blood pressure). It is really hard to call, it's more the reasons for the high blood pressure that are the real concerns.
cindy say: Its serious if its not treated or addressed. Most of the time diet changes and weight loss can help or meds. Even drinking a lot of water helps.
Spock (rhp) say: pls discuss with your physician. there are a variety of conditions that hbp makes worse or increases the risks of
Murzy say: HBP can cause heart attacks and strokes. keeping your pressure at a normal rate by meds, diet and exercise (losing weight)
Max Hoopla say: Yes. It can cause heart failure.
Wesley say: Idk
Gert say: You could die. No greater challenge.
pearlmar say: Not anymore. It is easily controlled with pills that lower it.