Okay so I've been seeing a therapist and doctor about anxiety, depression, OCD, and possibly bipolar. Last week I started taking 1 tablet a day of 25mg lamotrigine/lamictal. I havent noticed any side effects. Then just last night I took half a tablet of 25mg sertraline for the first time. (I have to take 1/2 for 4 days, then 1 for 4 days, then 1 1/2 for 4 days etc to build up a tolerance). Today I started feeling so dizzy and nauseous and I feel like I am going to pass out. Could the sertraline already have this effect? Can I just not take it tonight so I don't feel like this tomorrow? The Dr.'s office is closed.
If you take it one day, stop the next, and take it again, the medicine won't be effective. Follow your doctor's instructions, if you feel seriously ill I suggest calling the hospital and asking.
I found a useful website about Zoloft side effects: http://www.zoloftsideeffects1.com/