change the fractions to decimals:
2 1/4
345 3/25
change the decimals to reduced fractions:
2 1/4
345 3/25
change the decimals to reduced fractions:
all a decimal is is what's behind that decimal point over a multiple of ten.
35 /100 is just 0.35
2 1/4 is 2 + 1/4 or 25/100 so you get 2.25
345 3/25 is 345 + 3/25 reduce that to 100Ths, (multiply by 4/4) and you get 12/100 or 0.12 so 345.12
now 3 .26 is 3 26/100 which reduces to 3 13/50
35 /100 is just 0.35
2 1/4 is 2 + 1/4 or 25/100 so you get 2.25
345 3/25 is 345 + 3/25 reduce that to 100Ths, (multiply by 4/4) and you get 12/100 or 0.12 so 345.12
now 3 .26 is 3 26/100 which reduces to 3 13/50
35/100 is .35
2 and 1/4 is 2.25
345 3/25 is the same as 345 12/100 so thats 345.12
3.26 is the same as 326/100
reduced fractions means make to simplist form so divide by two typically until you cant see another smaller
2 and 1/4 is 2.25
345 3/25 is the same as 345 12/100 so thats 345.12
3.26 is the same as 326/100
reduced fractions means make to simplist form so divide by two typically until you cant see another smaller
3 12/100 which reduces to 3 3/25
3 12/100 which reduces to 3 3/25