a girl in the mathematics section asked a question related to linear equations and she chose a best answer.I also spent some time writing the answer but i dint get the title of the best.thats not the problem.the problem is that the answerer who has got the title of the best has not just given the incorrect answer but also the wrong procedure.For more info go to the resolved questions and see this question:"Linear Equations question....help!".Its just that the girl is only 13 and getting wrong answers.please tell me whom to report this about and if i have to report abuse,in which type i should put the report.
The young girl has just learned a valuable lesson. This is the internet not an official maths expert reference. She'll find out.
can you go to this link and answer questions 1,2,3 and 5:
Report Abuse
if i have answered a q and either a mathematically wrong ans is chosen or voted for as BA, i put a short comment so that the asker isn't misled.
other than that, idk what you can do. it's not as if someone is deliberately trying to give wrong answers, or that the asker is deliberately being given a string of wrong answers.
btw, if you refer to a q, do give a link to it so that it's at once traced !
other than that, idk what you can do. it's not as if someone is deliberately trying to give wrong answers, or that the asker is deliberately being given a string of wrong answers.
btw, if you refer to a q, do give a link to it so that it's at once traced !
There isn't anyone to report this to. The asker chose the best answer, and she even stated that the answer had the incorrect solution.
just see her comment below the answer
I don't think you can report it, but you can definitely click the thumbs down button.
You cannot report it.