work out the equivalent percentages and decimals of these fractions.
To solve for a percentage, you equate the fraction to something over 100. For the first:
9/25 = x/100
Cross multiply:
25x = 900
Divide by 25:
x = 36
So, 9/25 = 36%
Now, to get this to be in decimal, you literally right out what it means:
0.36, or "36 one-hundredths"
Repeating this process for the rest gives:
13/50 = 26% = 0.26
3/10 = 30% = 0.3
13/20 = 65% = 0.65
5/8 = 62.5% = 0.625
9/25 = x/100
Cross multiply:
25x = 900
Divide by 25:
x = 36
So, 9/25 = 36%
Now, to get this to be in decimal, you literally right out what it means:
0.36, or "36 one-hundredths"
Repeating this process for the rest gives:
13/50 = 26% = 0.26
3/10 = 30% = 0.3
13/20 = 65% = 0.65
5/8 = 62.5% = 0.625